Panel: Fulfilment in life work and creative endeavours



Ruth Saovana

Ruth has championed women leading change for decades, most notably in Bougainville, her homeland. Ruth was part of a group of women who helped to bring about an end to the Bougainville’s 10-year civil war, revolting against the world’s largest mining company. An Elder in her community who moves with ease across cultures (Ruth holds a PhD from ANU in Linguistics), Ruth is building leadership in her nation, revitalising matrilineal traditions to pave the way for a sustainable future.


Jessie Carey

A lifetime of looking beneath at the ground and above to the sky has left Jessie with a vision of beautiful things. Jessie established her own business in floristry, Freesia Kahlo, pursuing her love for being creative and resourceful with her wild imagination. Her experience in fashion design, styling, travelling abroad and through rural parts of Australia influences the Freesia Kahlo style. Her ethical business embraces environmental responsibility, support for local growers and indigenous wildlife.

Brynnie Goodwill

With a background in international corporate law, Brynnie has spent the past several decades seeking to change the paradigm to support a more equitable, sustainable society. Her life work has involved working in the corporate world, in New York politics and helping women candidates for office from across the USA. She has established three consulting firms and has served as a CEO, senior executive or Board member of not-for-profit organisations across the social justice and health sector.


Johanna Bodewes

Johanna is a Freedom Farm custodian, home-schooling parent, snowboarder, surfer, eco-dyer and travelling gypsy. Johanna loves to bring women together for skill sharing and celebration (Rewilding Women), holds a Festival of Giving each year and is passionate about supporting humans in their reconnection with our beautiful planet and each other. As the mother of two sons who has had a recent ‘feminist reawakening’, she is interested in healing the sacred feminine while also honouring the masculine