Wild beings

A nature-based organization founded in the hinterlands of Guringai & Darkinyung country. The primary focus; to create spaces for people to re-connect with their innate wild nature through overnight bush immersions & learning ancestral skills that build deeper relationship with local ecology and the ecological self.

Fostering a deeper understanding of the natural world

Wild Beings run seasonal Womens Rewilding Gatherings and Ancestral Skills Gatherings teaching the skills and philosophies of rewilding such as; fire by friction, foraging wild foods and medicines, making shelter, traditional cooking, wild butchering, traditional tanning, weaving with natural fibre, natural cordage with bark and other plant fibre, bird identification and tracking. 

The intention of these gatherings is to educate people into fostering a deeper understanding of our interconnectedness with the natural world that we are a part of. When we feel at home in the wild, we instinctively want to look after and protect it. When we learn how to forage fire material and make fire by friction, something deep and old is awakened within, something that every human on this planet shares. Suddenly, we not only have new plant friends that we are building relationship with through using them, but we can keep ourselves and our tribe warm, cook food, provide the comfort of this ancient ally.  That empowering experience is something truly unique to these ancient skills and practises that we cannot access in the modern world of convenience. Our aim is to ignite that ancestral flame within that is often buried deep beneath the fast pace and stimuli of todays world, and the best way to do that is barefoot on the earth by a fire that you created yourself with nothing more than your hands and what the earth provided.

“Humans have evolved as a part of nature, our hunter gatherer ancestors sustained healthy life styles relying on nothing but the gifts of nature, now we learn from the past in order to create a regenerative future.”

From disconnection to resillience

Eva started Wild Beings in 2020 whilst she was living in a bell tent on some family land surrounded by national park. The intention was to create a space where people could share this natural way of being with the wider community. The gatherings allow for people to re-connect, rewild and remember what it means to be human so that we can mend the areas of society that are leading us away from connection and health.

“There is a huge disconnect within society of our place within the natural world, from our food, from our clothing, from the seasons and cycles that shape us and from the very essence of life that we all share. Modern society in many ways does not foster connection & belonging within community. This is an essential human need and when lacking, causes sickness and degeneration. The pace of modern technological advancement is taking us further and further away from our wild roots and primal origins. If we want to create resilient communities and regenerative ecologies we need to bring our awareness back into the land that has shaped us and the ancestral living practises that have moulded our human-ness.”

A diverse team

There are 3 who make up the Wild Beings team - Eva, Will and Clay. They have been friends for years and when Eva came up with the idea to create Wild Beings the boys were pumped to share what they love with the rest of the world. It is a diverse team; Clay is a First Nations man who is a proud sharer of his culture. Will has a background in youth work and permaculture.

Wild Beings has been a physical expression of Eva’s lived values over the last 5 years. Having lived most of the last 5 years outdoors, cultivating new skills and relationships with the land that nourished her, has been pivotal in shaping the trajectory of her life into land-based practises. Coming from a long history of self- destructive party habits in her teens and early twenties, a soul-searching trip around Australia found her leaving behind that life and walking into one of health & connection with the earth.

Delve into rewilding



Facebook: Wild Beings Australia

