Panel: Tune into Yourself:

Women’s Heath



Brydie Cavanagh

Brydie works at BioMedica, an Australian owned Nutraceutical company, where she helps practitioners around Australia understand nutritional supplements and their applications with patients. She is a nutritionist in training, having recently completed a Bachelor of Health Science, majoring in Nutritional Medicine. Brydie has always been fascinated by the inner workings of the human body, and her experimentation with veganism led her to reconsider the way the human body is fuelled. Uncovering and understanding the complexities of the human body has now become her life’s passion. 


Karen Isis Moon

Karen has been on the spiral path of feminine awakening for 20 years called by Goddess Isis and the silver rays of the moon to remember and share the sacred mysteries that lie within our wombs. Women are cyclic beings and when we reconnect to our own natural rhythms and that of nature we remember the power and magic of being a womban. Karen has created a 13 Moon Journal – Pathway of the Priestess that guides you on your own journey of healing and awakening that will be available for purchase on the weekend. 

Dr Katherine Pearce 

Katherine is a junior doctor with a particular interest in women’s health. She is currently on the gynaecology team at St Vincent's Hospital. She has been trained in western medicine and applies it’s evidence based treatments in gynaecological disorders such as PCOS, endometriosis and sexual health and contraception. Her view on childbirth has been largely influenced by her training and understanding of risk management. She is an advocate for a woman’s autonomy in sexual health and is currently involved in a research project evaluating the framework for termination of pregnancies.


Sage Andreasen

Sage has 11 years’ experience using acupuncture and Chinese Medicine to support natural fertility, gynaecological disorders (such as endometriosis and PCOS), IVF cycles, pregnancy and birth, working closely alongside doctors, hospital midwives, naturopaths and fertility specialists. Sage is also a qualified Doula, with a passion for working with birthing and pregnant women. She attended her first birth at the age of 14 and has given birth to two children of her own. Sage also has a special passion for the role our environment and modern lifestyle plays in all aspects of women’s physical, mental and energetic health.